The Results Are In! Sort Of!

Last week I wrote about my possible “aging out of” lupus diagnosis.  I was so confused by this terminology and had been googling ever since my rheumatologist appointment.  I had a list of questions a mile long for when she called me back.  Well, the results are in!  Sort of.

After speaking with my rheumatologist extensively, she thinks I am in remission.  OMG!!!  YES!!!  OMG!!!  This actually happens!!!  We went over all my bloodwork and everything was explained to me.  I still have a blood disorder, but hell, my lupus is dormant!  I did not let this amazing news deter me from the rest of my questions.

I still have horrible fatigue and joint pain.  The joint pain is tolerable, yet still there.  When I asked her about these 2 specific symptoms she said, “Well you are at that age.”  Age?  What age?  This crazy lady is talking about menopause!  When I blurted out, “WHAT!!???” she laughed.  Keep in mind I am pretty sure she is young enough to be my daughter.

I have been processing this menopause comment for days now. I am only 47, but think and behave like I am in my 20’s.  I am seriously blown away.  So, here is the fun part, menopause does NOT care how old you are!  This could be a quick and easy road or a journey that lasts years!  Seriously?  Just when I think I am getting a much-needed break, the other shoe drops.

Forget about that nonsense, and let’s go back to the lupus.  I received my blood results and sent them to a friend that also happens to be a rheumatologist.  I really needed a second opinion.  He was not thrilled with the results, and wants more tests in a few months.  He also told me to enjoy my “remission.”  Here is where both doctors agree 1.  This can be temporary 2.  My diet may be a key factor in the remission 3.  Both told me not to change a thing 4.  A follow up is necessary in 3-6 months 5.  Lupus is a mystery disease and we may never have the answers

This is what I know 1.  I feel fabulous 2.  I know keto is not the key factor, but THE factor for why I am in remission 3.  I will never change a thing and all nay-sayers can go F themselves 4.  I will continue to have my kidney function and all other standard testing done regularly 5.  Lupus is a mystery and I have found what works for me so, I am sticking to it

All I have been going through for 19+ years and will continue to go through is why I fight and advocate.  One doctor says remission, the other says, “remission.”  I know I have said this before, but the healthcare system needs to do better.  The least they can do is get on board with each other regarding this disease.

I am going to continue eating keto/AIP to keep my inflammation down and stay active with yoga.  My mind will continue to stay positive and hopefully in 3 months my results will be even better.  As for that menopause comment, that’s a post for another day!

Author: admin

2 thoughts on “The Results Are In! Sort Of!

  1. This is great news to hear as long as you are feeling like you are in remission.
    Wishing you good health now and always

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