Dear Lupus

Dear Lupus,

Thank you!  I know that sounds completely crazy but if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be who I am today. Because of you I am strong. I love life. I am tolerant of so much. I live life every day as if the sky could come falling down at any moment. 

I have shown my children that no matter what you can get through anything. On bad days I figure out what things I need to do to make a difference, or things that are a priority. I make sure those things happen and put things that aren’t detrimental to a good day aside and do those things when I get to them. Not every task is life or death. 

I always smile. I make sure I laugh every day. I appreciate every single moment of life and cherish so many memories every day. 

I live a super healthy lifestyle. This started as a way of me trying to holistically treat myself and turned into an amazing way of life that makes me feel great. I have become knowledgeable in so many diets and treatments and have learned what works for me. 

I have become a yogi. I am so full of energy and my mind is always racing. I am constantly trying to figure out how to better my world. Yoga has shown me how to slow down and approach my ideas in a clear and organized manner. 

Lupus, you have changed my life for the better. After 19 years I have figured out how to make you a part of my life. A very important part of my life. You do not define me but have 100% taken a part in making me who I am today. Yes, I have lupus. But, lupus does not have me! I am Danielle. I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, advocate, happy, crazy and fun loving me!  Oh and by the way I have lupus. 

So, thank you Lupus. Thank you for letting me be me and shining my light so bright! 

Be Happy 😊 Smile 😊