Making My Dreams My Reality

This has been a very crazy week for me.  Emotions have been running all over, and with just cause.  My mind has literally run the gamut of, what am I doing?  What comes next?  Where do I see myself in the next few years?

On Monday I had very minor surgery and was stuck in bed all day.  This of course resulted in way too much time to think.  I started to write down all the things I want to do with my business and realized these were pretty big dreams.  Maybe a bit too big.  I started to feel discouraged.  Then I got an amazing email!

I received an email that I have been nominated as a top Life Coach on Long Island!  I was pretty blown away.  I am still floating on a cloud from this news.  Then it began again, what am I doing and where am I going with this?  I have the medical background along with nutritional counseling licensing from my dental hygiene degree.  I have my personal training certification.  Expanded even further this year onto life and health coaching.  Promoting Isagenix, a health and lifestyle company I whole heartedly believe in.  But, what is missing?  I still do not feel fulfilled.

By day 2 of no working out I was truly losing it.  How am I going to get through 12 more days without my yoga?  My peace, retreat from life, my me time!  Time that I love and cherish and think the entire world would benefit from if they participated in yoga practice.  That’s it!  The thing I am missing!  I had been contemplating my yoga teacher certification for years, and now was the time.  It was like my mind starting exploding with ideas and I couldn’t make it stop.

I started my research.  I asked all the teachers I admire and trust to guide me on where to go.  Within 24 hours I was signed up and paid for.  No looking back.  I begin my training Friday and will be on my way to making my dreams come true.  Seeing my passion become reality has been so rewarding for me.  Living a peaceful and healthy lifestyle is something I want to share with the world.

People say they are kind, have good hearts and want to make the world a better place.  They lie.  Saying you want to do these things and actually doing them are 2 very different things.  Actions speak louder than words. I am out there every day doing my best to be better for me and my family.  I am always looking for ways to improve upon myself and then actually implementing them into my life.

I truly hope I can help someone see the good they have inside and let them share it with the world.  Whether it be from a coaching session where I guide them to find their own happiness or something inspirational I might say during a yoga class.  Watch out world, because here I come, all kumbaya and shit in my yoga pants!

Author: admin

5 thoughts on “Making My Dreams My Reality

  1. So excited for you and your new journey! Go be fabulous and take on the world with this direction. Can not be more happier for you and your great health and your encouragement. Your pursuit of happiness for you and for all you meet is incredible! Kudos to You!

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