Mast Cell Activation Syndrome & Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome

Hi there! My name is Janielle Looney. At the tender age of 28, I was  diagnosed as having mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Growing up, I was the “golden child” when it came to health. I rarely caught the cold or flu. I did not break any bones. Puberty did not mess with my skin too much. Since 2014, I have experienced a major change in health that have been out of my control. It slowly started with the development of food allergies to all tree nuts and peanuts (I miss eating chocolate covered almonds for Christmas). In 2016, I said goodbye to my gallbladder after months of vomiting, pain, and inability to eat. On November 8th, 2017, gone went my health after being exposed to tree nuts in a local grocery store. 

After months of emergency room visits, multiple hospitalizations, literally being placed in a “bubble” due to prolonged anaphylaxis, prescribed 19 different medications, undergoing intense testing, and my team of doctors (two allergists, a pulmonologist, and a cardiologist) working together, I was finally diagnosed with the rare disease (MCAS) and poorly misunderstood condition (POTS). I suffer from anaphylaxis when exposed to nuts, strong scents, odors, and high levels of physical activity. I experience constant chest pain, shortness of breath, raspy or loss of voice, fatigue, body weakness, flushing of the skin, swelling of the body, brain fog, memory difficulties, irregular body temperature regulation, tachycardia, palpitations, suppressed immune system, body tremors, lightheadedness, loss of appetite, eye sensitivity, and side-effects from medications on a daily basis.

Due to the nature of the health conditions, I am unable to work, drive, attend social events, walk into stores, or have many visitors. Therefore, I learned to knit and crochet to help keep my mind active as well as to donate handmade items to hospitals and homeless shelters. This way, I was not giving up and I was still a part of society one way or another by performing good deeds. 

Despite the devastating change of lifestyle, I continue to smile. Regardless of the challenges I wake up to every morning, my heart remains hopeful, grateful, and filled with joy. My faith in Christ keeps me strong, support from my loved ones keep me focused, and helping others through prayer, word of encouragement, or charity work comfort me. When illness struck, I had two choices. It was either to give up hope or persevere. I chose perseverance, and hope to help others do the same through knitting, crocheting, blogging, and uploading inspirational videos on YouTube.


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