Practice What You Preach

This week my friend invited me into a 3 day work challenge.  It was for women only.  It was also to get you to stop talking about your goals, but actually begin to do something to achieve them.  It is funny how much I needed this.  I spend my time coaching people on how to move forward in their lives and accomplish their goals, but I was putting mine on the back burner.

I learned a lot about myself and my fears of putting myself out there.  I want to help people and know I can, but it has been a rough road finding people that fit into my niche.  I had begun wondering lately if it was too specific, so I asked in the group.  People were responding well, but I was still apprehensive. 

During the day 2 live the leaders were saying how important specificity is.  I was getting excited!  Then they used my niche as an example!  I nearly died!  They felt it is super specific and perfect.  There is zero fluff or wishy washy-ness around what I want to do and who I want to help.  This was fabulous!

Next, we were asked to reach out to people through social media.  I never in a million years thought I could do this.  Putting my story out there is one thing, because I donโ€™t expect a response.  But, now to actually ask people if they are interested in me and my coaching?  I had to sit with this. 

Was I prepared for rejection?  A lot of rejection!  Do people believe in me?  Will I be that annoying person no one wants to hear from?  What do I say?  The list of questions I began to ask myself went on and on.  Then it hit me, how would I coach my own client in this situation?  Where was my own accountability?

I knew I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.  So, I put on my big girl pants and sent out a few DMโ€™s.  There was no direct rejection.  Just silence.  The messages were opened and no reply.  My heart sank.  I very reluctantly sent out a few more.  Someone replied!  Then another!  My confidence was going up. 

The thing is I have great knowledge and experience in my niche.  All the research I have done and certifications are great, but my actual experience is what makes me special.  I know first-hand what I am talking about.  I have tried it all and then some.  I am not using my clients as guinea pigs.  I was the guinea pig.  So why have I not been confident?

This past week I learned a lot about myself.  I am  insecure and worry about what other people think of me.  I am proud of myself for taking the steps to do what I need to do for me and not give a flying fuck what other people think.  I am scared to spread my wings for fear of failing.  I am working on this.  I want to help everyone succeed and be happy.  I need to trust the process of when they are ready it will happen.

I learned to practice what I preach.  I focus so much on others and helping them achieve their goals I forget about me.  We create our happiness and achieve our goals.  I needed to get my head screwed back on so I can be the best for me and my clients.  I am glad my friend had the faith in me that I didnโ€™t have in myself to invite me to this challenge.  I will not prove her wrong.  I thank her for seeing my passion and strength and wanting me to succeed.

Now, I am ready.  I have my goals.  I have people that believe in me.  There will be rejection along the way, but I am pretty sure I am strong enough to take it.  People out there need me and together we will succeed. 

Author: admin

4 thoughts on “Practice What You Preach

  1. Danielle:
    As you contunue to put yourself out there you will continue to grow and flourish. One day at a time my dear… You are a survivor! It takes one to know one!
    Continued success!

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