Do YOU!!!

Do you ever find yourself analyzing other people’s lives?  Their lifestyle?  Attitude?  Beliefs?  Parenting skills?  This can be a good or a horrible thing to do, depending on your motive.  Are you looking to tear that person down in order to make yourself feel better?  Or, are you doing it to learn new ways to better yourself?

I can honestly say, I do not do this.  For a while there I thought maybe I was self-absorbed.  I would be out with people and they would point someone out for me to look at.  Most of the time I didn’t even care or I never saw them at all.  When I thought about it, it is not because I am self-absorbed. 

When I am out, I am in the moment.  I love the people I am with.  I want to give THEM all my attention.  I have so little free time, so when I get it, I take it all in and truly enjoy it.  The people I choose to have in my life are very special to me.  My way of expressing this is to give them the love and attention they deserve when with me.  I do not care if the woman walking towards the bathroom has a camel toe.  Good for her, hope it makes her and her significant other happy, lmao!!!

The biggest issue I have with people lately are all the judgements.  There is free speech, and then there is bullying.  When did we lose sight of the difference?  I know my next comment is going to piss off a lot of people, but here it comes…  No one cares about your political opinions except the people that agree with you.  Can’t we go back to the time where people kept their political beliefs to themselves?  The world was a much better place then.  There are no longer intelligent debates regarding issues.  No one even tries to see the other person’s point of view.  It has become a political war-zone out there.  There is so much hate people can’t get out of their own way.

Why do we judge people regarding their beliefs?  You may not agree with them and it might not work for you, but why the hate and anger?  Pushing, screaming, aggressive behavior will not make someone see your way.  Intelligent conversation where both parties want to resolve conflict is the way to go.  I have found that lately most people do not want that.  They want to fight and push their ways onto you.  I do not even entertain these people.  Their black and white ways will not affect my rainbow world.

Wondering how other’s do it and have what they have is none of your business.  Be happy with the beautiful life you have created and all the blessings in it.  If you are constantly comparing yourself to others you will never be happy.  Live up to your own expectations for your life, not someone else’s.  If there is something you do not like about your own situation, change it!  When you admire something about someone else’s life, try to incorporate it into your own.

Do not judge people on their parenting, attitude or other social behaviors.  Maybe they are doing the best they can, or these are the methods that work for them.  Either way, again, it is none of your business.  The only time someone else’s behavior is of concern to you is if they are harming themselves or someone else.  Why should you care if someone else’s ways work for them and their family and you don’t agree with it?  You shouldn’t!  Do you and move on!

Basically, for me, I don’t care what the F*** you do.  If it makes you happy and floats your boat then I am happy for you!  Don’t push your ways on me (because I am insanely stubborn and don’t care what you think) and I will respectfully do the same.  Give so much time to improving yourself that you no longer have time to criticize others.


Author: admin

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