Do You Remain True to Your Convictions No Matter Who Is Involved?

This is definitely going to be a button pusher, so be prepared.  With all that is going on in the world I find myself consistently questioning my beliefs and actions.  Whether the topic is moral, social or even political I want to remain true to myself and what I believe.  I know you are asking yourself, “What does that mean?”

For me, it means that no matter who is involved I will not change how I think and feel.  Unfortunately, this way of thinking gets me into a lot of trouble and moral disagreements.  If I believe something is wrong and punishable, I do not think that because you are my family and/or friend the law should treat you differently.

I do not care if we are talking about abortion, divorce agreements, taxes, murder, white collar crime or anything else, I stand by what I believe no matter who is involved.  My thought process does not change because I know the person.  I might have feelings on how the results may affect that person and their family, but certainly not for the actual topic.  I never deter from my beliefs.

The funny thing here is, that as I get older my convictions are becoming stronger and more vocal.  Is that the norm?  I find myself ending many conversations with, “Well, we just have to agree to disagree.”  Controversy and arguing are not my thing, but backing down on what I believe in is NEVER going to happen.

Getting older truly does come with more maturity, morphing into my true self and a very strong desire to like and be proud of who I am.  I no longer give a shit what other people think.  I couldn’t give a fuck less if someone doesn’t agree with me or I hurt their feelings.  When I put my head on my pillow at night I know I live my life honestly and as someone my husband and children can be proud of.

So, I wonder, how many people fighting out there really, honestly and truly believe in what they are fighting for no matter who is involved?  Are their beliefs contingent on any outside influences?  Are yours?

Author: admin

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