Constantly Evolving

They say as humans we are constantly evolving.  I have to agree with this.  As I go through my journey I see the constant growth of my own life.  I have grown in my relationships, profession, health, spirituality and mindset.  Twenty five year old Danielle would not even recognize forty six year old Danielle.

When I look back at my younger self I smile.  Do not get me wrong, I made a million mistakes.  But, had it not been for those mistakes I would not be who I am today.  I was naïve, quick mouthed and tempered, insecure, defensive, and a know it all, yet clueless.  I was also, silly, happy, fun loving, kind and sensitive.  The evolution to my current self has been an amazing ride.  My positive attributes have grown tremendously and I have learned so much from the mistakes of my negative ones.

The evolution of the way I look at and tackle my life has definitely grown the most.  Being a wife and mom has always been my greatest joy. When asked by others, “What do you do?” I was always so happy and full of pride when I responded, “I am a mommy!”  I looked forward to my days with my children and then to my husband coming home, having dinner together and filling him in on all our antics from the day.  Now my children are getting older and the need for “mommy” is decreasing way too quickly for my liking.

I realized I had to do something to fill in all my free time or I was going to lose my mind.  Going back to being a dental hygienist was not an option.  I hated that job.  I wanted to find something that I could look forward to every day.  Something that when I talk about, I smile.  With the help of my husband I started to evaluate things I enjoy doing.  He suggested I start a blog.  I do not think either one of us had any idea where this 4 letter word would lead me.

The first thing I knew I needed was a website, but I had no idea how to go about it.  With some research I got a host, picked a domain and a content management system.  I was so overwhelmed, yet becoming more and more determined.  I dreamed of launching my website every day.  I did so much Googling!  I had no idea how to do anything!  I really was computer illiterate.  Since I was so dedicated to this project I was up and running in less than 3 weeks.

The day my website launched I also created social media pages.  I did not tell family or friends what I was doing for fear of failure.  This little hobby of mine was for me, or so I thought.  The response I began to receive from strangers was amazing.  My inbox was filling up with thank you messages, questions asking for advice and comments telling me how inspirational I am.  I felt my mind, heart and soul begin to grow even bigger.  I was now wanting to do more.

The researching began again.  I knew I wanted a career helping others, I just couldn’t figure out what.  Then I saw and ad for Life Coaching on Facebook.  THIS WAS IT!!!!  But, which program?  After doing my due diligence and gathering all the information to compare programs I decided on one.  Now the hard part, telling my husband I want to do this.  I have so many certifications from other things I have done or wanted to do in the past.  So much so that a friend asked me if I had enough to wallpaper a room yet.  I was nervous he would have this response.

I discovered I really was evolving.  One month ago, I would have procrastinated the conversation with my husband.  Not anymore.  I was determined.  This was one of the easiest conversations I have ever had.  Within minutes I was registered and on my way to a new career.

I continued on with my blog and social media pages.  My audience was growing and my passion growing stronger.  I was writing and researching more and more every day.  I began gathering information and putting it in a file on my computer.  I thought to myself, “Maybe one day I will write a book.”

This weekend I graduated!  I am a Certified Life and Health Coach!  Through the mock coaching sessions, I realized I do want to write a book.  That want became, I am going to write a book!  I have already written my introduction and am on my way.  This is what I mean about evolution.  My silly little blog to occupy my time has turned into a career change I never even considered.

I used the picture above because it is me.  It portrays the attributes of me that I am most proud of.  It embodies exactly how I felt when I received my certificate.  Twenty years ago, I would not have accepted that certificate as my true self.  I would have walked up very timidly and smiled.  Now, I want the world to know who I am.  I am happy!  The evolution of me has been fabulous.  I cannot wait to see the ways I will continue to grow!


Author: admin

5 thoughts on “Constantly Evolving

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so proud of you! This is a perfect new career for you! It will bring everything together! You are such a beautiful person inside and out. I wish you continued happiness, health and success!! ( it took my friend 6 months to become a Life Coach-lol) Cousin Susan XO

  2. As always soooo proud of you . What a beautiful journey , may God bless you always ,mom

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