Be Happy and Smile

A while back when someone in my family was cranky I started saying, “Be Happy and Smile”. Of course, like most families this did not go over well. I think they thought I finally lost it and all my organic, holistic, mindfulness stuff was finally turning me nuts!
I started to really make Be Happy and Smile my way of life. I know if you ask anyone that knows me they would tell you I am always happy and always smiling. This practice makes me a better person. I have learned to push away negative thoughts and actions that do not benefit me mentally and physically.
Some people could possibly view my positivity as me being ditzy. What they do not understand is I take those negative actions and I put them away until later. When I am alone and have time to speak to God, the angels and my conscience I pull apart the situation and come up with a feeling or solution that works for me.
In July of 2012 the University of Kansas conducted a study finding that smiling reduces stress     
There are also plenty of other studies showing smiles are contagious
So, get out there, start your day and for the love of yourself,
Be Happy and Smile!


Author: admin

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