Hello, My name is Summer Canady. I have had a very challenging battle with Ankylosing Spondylitis for the past 20 years. My symptoms began at 16 and were ignored by doctors for so long. It progressed uncontrolled for the majority of that time. Frequently being told I was just too small to handle the work load, it was my size, being pregnant and even the common, it’s just depression. I managed for a very long time without requiring medical care, so I just gave up looking for answers.
It was several really severe back to back episodes of iritis that finally got me diagnosed back in early 2016. From that point forward I thought I finally had answers and life would improve. Unfortunately, far too much time had passed by and I was quickly getting sicker and sicker. My Rheumatologist started me on Humira and for a brief time it was truly life changing. I knew what feeling normal felt like. I was an avid hiker traveling all over the country and living my best possible life. I was also raising my family and working my dream job. Then, my children’s father got sick and I provided his end of life care. The stress of that situation brought on a flare I never imagined to be possible.
It was in no time at all before I could no longer hike and travel like I was. Even doing tasks at home got harder and harder. I began having breathing issues and heart issues. My pain had reached all time highs and I was for the first time facing the reality that I would sometimes need a cane to walk . This all started happening by the end of 2016 and by early 2017 my abilities were extremely limited. I couldn’t do housework or cook. I was frequently in the ER and adding doctors and medication like you wouldn’t believe.
I’m still fighting for answers with a body that’s giving up on me. Heading towards the end of 2019 I have now been out of work for almost a year. While awaiting disability, my lung diffusion capacity continues to decline as does my digestive health, my liver and my heart issues. When you are 37 and need to rest after you shower, it’s very challenging to accomplish anything. I work extremely hard to help find better options, faster diagnosis and less harmful medication options for others, because this is no life to live.
For me, accepting where I am and listening to my body have been huge factors in overcoming these battles. Knowing that it is okay to use assistance was the hardest thing, but know I know it helps me be my best. Introducing CBD regularly has also helped me manage symptoms that medication hasn’t touched. The absolute number one way I cope is by being actively involved in advocating for others like me.
Instagram @summer_can @kicksomeas
Website: k.kicksomeas.com