
What is an advocate?  An advocate is a person who speaks or writes in support of a cause.  It is me, I am an advocate.  I want to inform people about my disease.  When I read a statistic that 63% of Americans have never heard of lupus I was horrified.  That it takes the average patient 6 years to get diagnosed from the onset of their symptoms! The annual cost for someone with lupus can be up to $50,000!  There are so many other reasons, but these 3 alone were enough to make me want to fight.

If you follow me, you know my story.  What you do not know about are the countless other diseases people struggle with every single day. These are the people I help.  I hear their story and how a disease has taken over their life.  I help these people gain back control of their health and happiness.  I have seen their switch flip and results.  The transformation has been amazing and rewarding.  This is not enough.

I have been trying to think of ways to help more people.  There are so many stories that need to be told.  Diseases that I had never heard of and I want you to know about them.  Starting tomorrow on my Instagram  and Facebook pages I will be sharing these journeys.  It will be called, “Tell Me About It Tuesday”

If you or someone you know has a story to tell and would like to be featured on my page please have them get in touch with me.  My Instagram and Facebook handle is Keto Lupie.  I can be messaged through them or emailed at  Please follow me on social media to read about these amazing people!

Just because I have a silent disease does not mean I will be silent!

Author: admin

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