Why I Meditate

The past 3 weeks have been pretty crazy here.  My stress level is through the roof!  There are days I really think I am never falling asleep again because my mind is racing and worrying.  I have been trying so many different methods to calm myself and look forward to moments that I forget what is going on in my personal life to just smile.

I love to meditate and journal and had felt it just wasn’t working for me lately.  Every quiet moment I reverted back to worry.  Every journal entry was concentrating on negativity.  I truly just couldn’t get out of my own head these past 3 weeks.  I stopped my meditation and journaling thinking maybe if I put this situation out of sight, out of mind I would feel better.  I was wrong. 

I have had a constant headache, my shoulders and neck are crazy tense and I have cried myself to sleep a few times.  At yoga I can’t relax and even hurt myself last week.  This is where being an empath can really be debilitating.  I take other people’s personal situations and I let it consume me.  It feels as if the situation has control over me.  Something had to give or I was going to be good for no one.  I needed to separate myself.

I was on the phone with my dad expressing my feelings, and like dads do he whipped me right back into shape.  He told me I needed to stop focusing on the negative, worrying about people around me and redirect my emotions to all the great things in my life.  When I hung up with him I immediately went to my room for a guided meditation and some journaling.  It is amazing how quickly I felt grounded and back to myself.

For those few days I thought my journaling and meditating was not serving me but I was wrong.  I was focusing on the negative things in my life, but I was also releasing my feelings.  When I stopped my ME time I became consumed with negativity.  I didn’t realize how important that time has become to me.  Purging how I feel whether negative or positive relieves my stress and allows me to focus on the better and happier things in my life. 

This is why they call life a journey.  We are exploring and learning about ourselves every single day.  Something that may have been great for you in January might actually be holding you back in April.  We need to adapt and continue to learn.  To realize when it is time to let something go.  To look for the light within the darkness.  To be present and in the moment that makes you happy.  I will probably fall on this journey many times.  I know myself, I will pick myself up every time and learn.  I will not dwell on my mistakes.  I needed to see what my ME time meant for me and now I will cherish it.


Author: admin

2 thoughts on “Why I Meditate

  1. I wake up every morning and state three things that I’m extremely thankful for. Gratitude changes everything!

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