When Your Good Time Takes Over Your Diet

We are all human and are going to fall off our diet track every now and then.  Does that mean you are failing?  Absolutely not!  Slip ups happen and you have to make sure they do not become a pattern and take control of your lifestyle.  It is important to recognize what has happened, how to get back on track and new methods to avoid it happening again.

I have been living a ketogenic lifestyle for one year and nine months.  Like I have said in other posts, sometimes I am strict, other times lazy and every now and again I binge with some dirty keto.  This past holiday weekend I went to town with myself!  I ate and drank myself silly.  I had the time of my life with the best of friends making memories and have zero regrets.  This morning I felt like crap.

I woke up to bloated belly, joint pain all over, my jeans feeling “not right” along with a few other things.  Instead of beating myself up about it I know I need to acknowledge my mistakes and today is a new day.  I will eat super clean keto incorporating in Isagenix shakes and know in a few days all will be right with my body again.  There cannot be any slip ups for a while since I know my personality and that will create bad habits.

I am at a steady weight that I have maintained for over a year now.  I have worked hard.  There was no cheating on weekends, holidays or special events.  It takes months to create good habits.  People that “cheat” on the weekends in the beginning of a diet are setting themselves up for failure.  You cannot do great all week and blow it on the weekend the first few weeks of your diet.  There is no routine set. 

All the hard work put in during the week is thrown away on the weekend.  Then Monday comes and you are back at day one.  After a few weeks the chances of you giving up are pretty high since no results have been seen.  It is like being on a hamster wheel to nowhere.  This is not the same as a slip up or even a conscious decision to let loose which is what I did.

I knew I was going away.  Food and alcohol were going to be a huge part of the weekend.  I decided I would stick to a ketogenic diet to the best of my ability and deal with the consequences on Monday.  I am not defeated or angry at myself because I know this is not how I live my life.  This was a vacation.  I enjoyed myself, my husband and my friends to the extreme.

So, when you fall pick yourself back up and try again.  Do not let these minor slip ups define your lifestyle.  Keep in mind, a minor setback is not the same as starting a diet on Monday and then cheating every single weekend.  If you are ready to take control of your diet and need help please contact me.  You can do this! I can show you how!


Author: admin

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