What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?

Now that I have a son entering college in the fall and my daughter is a high school sophomore the question, “What should I be when I grow up?” is constantly being asked. How can I answer that when at 46 years old I am just figuring out what I want to be?
I went to college to be a dental hygienist. It seemed like a great idea at the time since I was already a dental assistant. I graduated, immediately began working and very quickly hated it. This was not the right choice. For years I worked very part time as a hygienist always wanting to do something else, but never sure of what. I loved working out, so I got my AFAA certification as a personal trainer. That was fun for a while. Then I thought maybe interior design? That could be fun! I got my decorating certificate and never did anything with it. This was definitely becoming a very bad pattern. What kind of an example was I setting for my children?
As my kids are getting older, and I have more time on my hands, I have definitely begun to ponder my future. Again the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”, but this time for me. Social media was beginning to upset me. It had become such a negative place. Everyone arguing over politics, heart wrenching news stories and so many more posts lacking empathy and joy. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I decided to take a break. I started a private Instagram filled with only positive thoughts. I slowly made it public. I was beginning to feel great about social media again. The response I received from strangers made me realize this is it! I am happy, people are relating to me and my story, I am even getting thanked for making people’s day a little brighter.
What do I do with all this? I want to help people. I want people to look forward to hearing from me. Many opportunities have been coming my way and I am considering them all. I want to do something I am proud of and totally believe in. I want to make sure I love it and it isn’t a “JOB”. I want my family and friends to be proud of me. That’s it!!! This is not only the answer for me, but the answer for my children.
I want them to love what they do. I do not want them to have resentment towards their job. I don’t want them driven by money. As my husband says, “if you love what you are doing and are passionate about it, the blessings will come”. He is right. It has been less than 2 short months and I am thriving personally, emotionally and now have clear career choices.
I want my children to understand that most high school and college students have no idea what they want to do with the rest of their lives. How many people actually do what they majored in during college? They need to know whatever they major in is not a death sentence. They can be or do anything. They need to make sure whatever it is they will be happy and fulfilled doing it. When they ask and I tell them that I don’t care and I just want them to be happy I hope they know I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I pray they will be successful adults. I pray that they will be happy and well rounded and learn how to deal with adversity. I pray they will always try to do the right thing and be good people. This is what we should all want to be when we grow up!
Be Happy and Smile!


Author: admin

1 thought on “What Do I Want To Be When I Grow Up?

  1. Findning out who you are, no matter the stage of life, is a defining moment for everyone. Share your light with everyone…it was not meant to be hidden under a bushel. It’s what you were meant to do, whom you were meant to be.

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