Social Distancing and Mental Well-Being

Well here we are starting our second week of social distancing.  It has been interesting, hasn’t it?  It has been in my house.  I am now a full time cook, lol.  I enjoy cooking and making dinner for my family, but every night?  My favorite part is having dinner together every night.  We laugh, tell stories and really are enjoying each other’s company. 

All of this togetherness is going to begin to wear very thin on all our nerves soon enough.  Cabin fever is going to set in, personalities will begin to clash and stress levels will be at an all-time high.  As someone in the wellness industry this is a huge concern for me.  What steps are you taking to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Being that I have a compromised immune system I went into self-quarantine on my own a week before most.  I realized immediately what home confinement was going to be like and began to plan.  My yoga is my lifeline.  It keeps me sane.  It is my medicine.  Practicing in my home on my own just wasn’t going to be enough.  Community is a huge part of yoga and I missed it.

I decided to teach virtual classes through social media.  The response was overwhelmingly amazing!  Over 250 people in attendance day one!  This confirmed my belief that we need each other.  The best way to overcome stress, insecurity, hardships and so many other things is with each other.  We need to support and lift each other up.  It is time to come together and help one another feel a sense of security.

Monday-Friday I virtually teach 2 classes a day.  Attendance has never been less than 100 people and the views climb as the day goes on.  My sanity is status quo and my desire to help others is being fulfilled.  Bringing me to my second thing, what are you doing that makes you feel productive?

So many ideas run through my head!  We are stuck in our homes with so much time on our hands.  Meditation and journaling are wonderful ways to destress.  Don’t say you don’t have time, you have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for God only knows how long, lol!  Sign up for an online course.  Now is your chance to pursue something you have always wanted!

Ask each person in your family their favorite meal and prepare for the week.  Family dinner picked by one person each night.  You will make someone feel special and you will get joy in doing something nice for someone else.  Laugh! Laugh so much at the dinner table!  Enjoy the meal and the company of those most precious to you, the reason we are staying inside.  Protecting those we love so much it hurts.

My list of ideas is endless!  Drop a note below and share some of yours for others to see.  Most importantly, please stay inside and follow the social distancing rules.  The sooner we all comply and slow this shit down, the sooner we can all enjoy the spring weather quickly approaching.  Stay positive!  Love yourself and each other!

Author: admin

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