Mindfulness or Perfection?

The definition of mindfulness according to Google is; a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.  The reason I Googled the definition is because recently I have received the strangest comments regarding my mindfulness journey.  It seems the perception of a mindful person is that you are trying to achieve perfection.

I didn’t realize this is how so many felt about mindfulness.  I was recently upset with someone regarding something they did to me and my daughter.  I sat on it for about a day and then addressed it with that person.  When I expressed that I felt they were selfish and hurt us the person replied with, “Oh so you aren’t really the person you portray yourself to be!”  I was completely taken by surprise.

I explained that I am 100% that person.  I asked them, “Did I speak to you in a derogatory manner?  Did I ever call you names?  Was I bashing you?  Hurtful with my words?”  The answer was no.  I told them that being mindful has taught me how to stand up for myself by using the facts of the situation and being very clear how they made me feel without putting the other person down.  I am kind, I am not a doormat.

I am also very far away from being perfect.  I call it my mindfulness journey because that is exactly what it is.  I will not be getting canonized any time soon, lol!  I still curse, A LOT! While I am driving I lose my temper at other drivers.  I blow up at my family.  I do my very best not to gossip, but I am human.  I am a work in progress.  I know my flaws and I am working on them every day, very publicly. 

So, please understand, mindfulness is not about being perfect.  It is more about responding rather than reacting to situations.  Some days I am all kumbaya and namaste and then there are days I am a little GFY!  Right now, I am enjoying the process and liking who I am becoming more and more every day!


Author: admin

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