Journey Update

The past few years of my journey have certainly had its ups and downs.  Figuring out exactly what I want to do and being able to adjust when things don’t go as planned has been an uphill battle.  So many times I feel like the lotus flower fighting my way through the mud, hoping to emerge as a beautiful and strong flower.  Last year all was going well and I truly thought I had found my way.  Then Covid struck.

I was at the beginning of my wellness career and enjoying every moment.  Teaching yoga every day was something I looked forward to doing.  I loved my job.  I was becoming so confident in my teaching and always wanting to learn more.  Then it all came crashing down. Struggling daily trying to figure out how to pivot to help others on their wellness journey.

I became an ambassador and/or distributor for so many different products and nothing was resonating with me.  I liked them, but was never all in or sold on any specific company.  I posted sporadically for these companies while searching for the one thing that I really want to pour my heart and soul into.  There was always something that bothered me about the product and I wasn’t all in.

The worst part was, when someone asked me something about the product, I answered honestly.  Not the greatest sales tactic, lol!  The past few months I have been very involved with a new wellness company.  I feel so aligned with all its values.  The products are of great quality and actually do what they say they are going to.  They fit into my lifestyle and I feel fantastic.

The team I work with supports each other every day.  I get such joy and inspiration hearing everyone’s story and it pushes me to be better. I am finally able to align myself with a company that is actually about total body wellness.  Using products that I was already implementing into my diet that I now believe in goes beyond words.

I wake up ready for my day and looking forward to my job again.  If any of this resonates with you reach out to me.  Who couldn’t use an extra $500 a month at a minimum promoting and enjoying quality wellness products?  My favorites are coffee, apple cider vinegar gummies, greens in 2 delicious flavors and a yummy citrus flavored collagen.

If you are like me, you probably already use these products.  Why not start having faith in the products you are consuming and sharing it with your friends and family?  Reach out to me via Instagram @ketolupie or Email:

Be the beautiful lotus flower and emerge from the mud


Author: admin

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