Happy Holidays!

Monday before Christmas 🎄 This is usually a crazy week for me. We do cookie baking, last minute gifts, food shopping and a bunch of other prep work for the big day!  Like everyone else, so many of my holiday traditions are getting cancelled this week thanks to Covid. I really thought I was going to fall into a depression or a pity party and shockingly, that is not happening!  I have been religiously practicing Reiki on myself every morning and writing in my mindfulness journal. When I come downstairs, I feel good. Happy! I have been taking time for me to do things I like. I feel like it gives me something to look forward to every day instead of all the doom and gloom so many people are projecting all around me.

The worst part of last week was telling my mom not to come here for Christmas. It literally hurt my heart. I have 2 children, 17 and 20. They are as safe as you would imagine that age group are. They know I am high risk, but they are still kids. I couldn’t in good faith have my mom come here. The build up to calling her was killing me. Finally, I turned my emotions around by telling myself I rather not see her this year and have more years together later.

Mental illness is at an all time high right now. So many people are in therapy, on medication and worse, taking their own lives. We need to come together and support each other through this nightmare. Stop spreading fake facts!  Stop listening to your friends!  Stop finding the information that supports your narrative!  Stop being so argumentative and confrontational! Stop looking for reasons to argue on social media!

I have removed all people like this from my life. The smile in this photo is genuine!  I feel love and hope. Let’s change the narrative together. We can get through this!  I know there is a huge bright shining light at the end of the tunnel and I want to see it. We got this my friends and I got you!  Sending love and peace to you this holiday season and for the New Year ❤️


Author: admin

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