According to Miriam Webster contentment means happiness, pleasure, satisfaction and a state of being contented. One of the Yoga Sutras states that you should be contented. Dare I go against the Sutras? Or, maybe not take them so literal? The past few years I have been happy, but not necessarily content. I wanted more.
Maybe I am content, but not complacent? I have really been having an internal struggle with this word. The journey I have been on this year has been amazing. I have started a website and blog with a commendable amount of followers, became a Certified Life and Health Coach, am a stone throw away from completing my yoga certification and just this week earned my own yoga class.
Doesn’t that all sound amazing! It is! I agree, but I want more. I am so happy and excited every single day. I have huge hopes and dreams and am driven 24/7 to achieve them. Is that a bad thing? Am I going against the Sutras? This is not looking good for me as a new yogi, lol.
One of the things the Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) states is you need to follow the Sutras. Some of the ways of life are, mindfulness, healthy eating, kindness, truthfulness, non-violence, non-stealing, cleanliness, spiritual self-education, never giving up, surrendering of the self to God and then CONTENTMENT! I have everything down except that last one! This word is going to be the death of me!
In my yoga study guide contentment is described as, “Believing as all is meant to be.” Now, if I change my mindset and follow it by this definition I am good. If I over analyze (you know I am), then I come up with definition I was taught as a child and am no longer good. I still have this desire to do more. I want more.
I started on this journey to help others. Right now my reach is small, but I work every day to expand it so I can show others how to live a healthy lifestyle and put their ailments into remission. Am I supposed to be content with where I am? Is it going against the Sutras to want more?
If wanting more, going for it all and pursuing my dreams is wrong, well then, let’s just keep me breaking this rule to just us. I mean, aren’t rules meant to be broken??!!!!
Reminder, we are less than a month away from the results of Best of Long Island. Please vote for me in the Holistic Wellness and Life Coach categories under Health and Wellness